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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The Elements of Beauty in Male and Female: Focused on the Differences in Determinants of Facial Beauty


This study aims to find out the elements of male and female's beautiful face. To examine the factors to perceive one's overall beauty, we made eighty five item adjective checklist which comprised to evaluate physical elements of face and psychological elements of the face. Four hundred and sixty one university male and female students participated to rate 46 females and 46 males faces' overall beauty and to evaluate physical and psychological elements of the photographs. The results are as follows; First, the physical elements of face perception are same seven factors in male and female. Second, the psychological elements of face perception are different with male and female. Male's psychological elements are four factors which are handsome, cute and kind-looking, masculine, and natural. Female's psychological elements are five factors which are warm, sexy, elegant, intelligent, and cute. Third, determinant factors for overall face beauty are handsome and cute factors in male, sexy, elegant, intelligent factors in female. Especially, masculine factor in male isn't important for overall face beauty, and cute and warm factors isn't important for female's overall face beauty. This research shows that people evaluate overall face beauty through psychological factors which are perceived physical elements, and key important factors for overall face beauty are different in both sexes.

외모 아름다움, 얼굴, 얼굴의 물리적 특성, 얼굴의 심리적 특성, 남성미, 여성미, Face, appearance, physical elements of face, psychological elements of face, male beauty, female beauty



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology