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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Characteristics of Item Responses of Statement Validity Analysis of Sexually Molested Children


This study analyzed fifty child molestation cases reported in five one-stop centers from March to August in 2009. Among statement validity tests for child victims, scales including Criterion Based Content Analysis, Reality Monitoring, Contextual Evaluation, Behavioral Change, Validity Evaluation were analyzed. For item analysis, Item Response Theory was applied to produce difficulty and differentiation indices after consideration internal consistency among items for each scale. Results presented all items except three items to have fair differentiation function. However, power was not enough because of a small sample size. This problem should be solved on further researches.

진술타당성분석도구, 내적 합치도, 문항반응이론, 문항특성곡선, Statement Validity Test, Internal Consistency, Item Response Theory, Item Characteristic Curve



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology