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메뉴This study examined differences of body image and factors influencing body image through the life span of women. Participants were 472 women recruited in Seoul, Kyunggi, Chungnam, Kyungpook, and Kyungsang provinces. In the results of differences of body image according to the life span, body surveillance was the highest for the 21-29 age group in comparison to other age groups, body dissatisfaction was the lowest for the 51-59 age group, and there was a significant difference between 21-29 and 51-59 age group in body esteem of health conditions. Moreover, in the results of interaction effects between psychosocial variables and age on body image, the interaction effect of social comparison and age on body surveillance, self-esteem and age on body dissatisfaction and cultural self-construal and age on body esteem were significant. These suggest that body image is likely to become positive through the life span of women, and that the degree of relation between psychosocial variables and body image changed according to the life span.
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