The present study was to explore gender difference on predicting variables on runaway experience among adolescents. Total 3,430 middle school students in Gyungnam area completed ABAS-S, the scale consisted of eight problem behaviors and ten critical items of adolescents. The results of a stepwise regression analyses showed that there were also differences according to gender. First in male adolescents the significant predicting variables influence on runaway experience showed 10 variables(R2=.51). In that, the biggest influence on runaway experience was status delinquency, followed by playing truant, pregnancy, abortion, teacher relations problem, criminal delinquency, sexual violence, prostitution, bulling bullies experience, drop out of school. In female adolescents the significant predicting variables influence on runaway experience showed 13 variables(R2=.52). In that, the biggest influence on runaway experience was status delinquency, followed by playing truant, violence/abuse victims experience, abortion, teacher relations problem, bulling victims experience, prostitution, criminal delinquency, bulling bullies experience, learning prolems, parent relations problem, grade, pregnancy. In discussion were discussed meaning, implications and limitations of this study.
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