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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Development and Validity of Marital Affection Behavior Scale(MABS)


The purpose of this study were to develop the Marital Affection Behavior Scale(MABS) and to validate the scale. The preliminary study for selecting items was executed. And 64 preliminary items were selected. Item analysis and exploratory factor analysis were executed to 145 married men and 241 married women who were from 20s to 50s. The results were as follows. First, 43 items were selected. The results of factor analysis for 43 items indicated the existence of eight factors, explaining 52.27 percent of total variance. 8 factors were affection expression, supporting and caring, affection trust, withdrawal, avoidance of sexual relationship, aggressive behavior, demanding behavior, and control. Second, the reliabilities of 8 factors ranged from .64 to .89. Third, MABS correlated significantly with MAI(marital satisfaction inventory), and TSL(Triangel Scale of Love). Forth, their own MABS correlated significantly with their spouse's MAI and TSL, except avoidance of sexual relationship and control. The results suggested that the MABS was an useful instrument to assess marital relationship behaviors. The advantages and limits of MABS was discussed.

Marital Affection Behavior, Marital Satisfaction. Romantic Triangel Scale., 부부 애정행동, 부부관계의 긍정적 행동, 부정적 행동, 결혼만족도, 사랑의 삼각형



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology