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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Sexual Objectification and Work-Flow in Female Workers: The Mediating Roles of Internalization of Standards of Beauty and Body Surveillance


On the basis of the objectification theory and extant literature, the present study examined whether interpersonal sexual objectification experiences influence female workers' flow experience by way of internalization of standards of beauty and body surveillance. Participants were 252 Korean female workers at eight regional companies in South Korea. Overall, the present findings indicate that female workers who experience more sexual objectification in interpersonal situations are more likely to internalize the sociocultural standards of ideal appearance and monitor their body, which leads to impede their flow experience at work. Given that the link between interpersonal sexual objectification and work-flow was fully mediated by internalization and body surveillance, educational and counseling interventions should be focused on the two mediators. Implications and suggestions for practice and future research are discussed.

대상화이론, 성적 대상화, 내면화, 신체감시, 일몰입, 직장여성, objectification theory, sexual objectification, internalization, body surveillance, work-flow, female workers



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology