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메뉴There are not a few psychological factors influencing depression and research has been continuously making headway in this area. Among such factors, perfectionism is deemed to be an important character variable vulnerable to depression. Thus this research investigates how a perfectionist attitude influences depression and attempts to verify if self-elasticity mediates the impact of perfectionism on depression. The subjects were 330 adult females over age 20 who live in Seoul and its suburbs in Kyeongki and were asked to answer a questionnaire comprising 45 items regarding perfectionism, 37 on self-elasticity, and 20 on depression. Results showed that all of the sub-variables of perfectionism, self-orientation, others- orientation, and social orientation, had effects on depression. There were also found to exist a mediating effect of self-elasticity on the relationships. In conclusion, perfectionism was shown to be a variable increasing depression, but the effect was significantly mediated by a change in self-elasticity. This implies that it is important to decrease perfectionism in order to decrease depression, but increasing self-elasticity can also be an effective way of decreasing depression. There were a few limitations in this research which should be addressed.
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