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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Gender Differences in Appreciation Experience and It's Expressiveness


This study was conducted to investigate gender difference in the degree of appreciation experience and it's expressiveness. For this, employees were asked to record how they feel appreciation in 4 thankful situations(cost to the benefactor: high/low cost × familiarity with the benefactor: stranger/familiar person), and how and how much they express their thankful emotion. The data of 280 university students(male: 164, female: 116) was analyzed. The results were as follows. Firstly, employees were more likely to feel thankful in high cost condition and stranger condition. Secondly, male was more express appreciation in terms of material compensation than female. Thirdly, while female more highly express their appreciation by nonverbal communication, male more highly use ‘no-expression’ in the high cost/familiar condition. Finally, in the high cost/familiar condition, male scored significantly lower than female on the degree of appreciation. Moreover male was less likely to express their thankful emotion than female.

고마움, 감사, 정서, 정서표현, 성차, 한국인, 대인관계, Thankfulness, appreciation, emotion, expressivity, Korean, relationship



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology