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메뉴The present study examined the subgroups of working mothers divided by work-family gains, work-family strains, work-parenting gains and work-parenting strains. Results from a cluster analysis with a sample of married and employed women with the youngest children under 12 years old (N=196) indicated the presence of three clusters. Cluster 1 was characterized by greater multiple role strains, lower satisfaction with life, a higher depression score, and more difficulties in work-family balance. This group also reported taking more responsibilities for household chores and parenting. Therefore, this group was named ‘multiple role conflicts type’. By contrast, Cluster 2 showed the characteristics of greater multiple role gains, more satisfaction with life, a lower depression score, and more balance in work-family roles. Individuals in this cluster also reported less responsibilities for household chores and parenting. Based on these characteristics, Cluster 2 was named ‘multiple role enrichment type’. Finally, Cluster 3 showed an average level of multiple role gains and strains. Based on these characteristics, Cluster 3 was named ‘multiple role neutral type’. The implications and suggestion for future studies were discussed.
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