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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Differences in Psychological and Environmental Factors Among Clusters of the Quality of Multiple Roles Experienced by Working Mothers


The present study examined the subgroups of working mothers divided by work-family gains, work-family strains, work-parenting gains and work-parenting strains. Results from a cluster analysis with a sample of married and employed women with the youngest children under 12 years old (N=196) indicated the presence of three clusters. Cluster 1 was characterized by greater multiple role strains, lower satisfaction with life, a higher depression score, and more difficulties in work-family balance. This group also reported taking more responsibilities for household chores and parenting. Therefore, this group was named ‘multiple role conflicts type’. By contrast, Cluster 2 showed the characteristics of greater multiple role gains, more satisfaction with life, a lower depression score, and more balance in work-family roles. Individuals in this cluster also reported less responsibilities for household chores and parenting. Based on these characteristics, Cluster 2 was named ‘multiple role enrichment type’. Finally, Cluster 3 showed an average level of multiple role gains and strains. Based on these characteristics, Cluster 3 was named ‘multiple role neutral type’. The implications and suggestion for future studies were discussed.

multiple roles, work-family gain, work-family strain, work-parenting gain, work-parenting strain, cluster analysis., 다중역할, 일-가정 이득, 일-가정 긴장, 일-양육 이득, 일-양육 긴장, 군집분석



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology