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메뉴The purpose of this research was to examine (1) the gender-role traits related to fathers, and (2) characteristics of the desirable fathering depicted in 151 creative picture-story books for preschool and early school-aged children published since 2000. The major results of this study were as follow. First, the occupations of fathers were diverse and office workers were most common. The majority of fathers in books described as spending time with their children or participating in child-rearing. Second, among five categories of the desirable fathering, breadwinner roles appeared the most followed by emotional supporters, play-partners, role-models, advisers(counselors), disciplinary roles in order. However, in terms of the order of these categories, there is a difference between Korean picture books and foreign ones. The breadwinner roles appeared more frequently in Korean picture books than in foreign ones, whereas the roles of emotional supporters and advisers were portrayed more frequently in foreign picture books than in Korean ones.
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