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메뉴A current study was conducted to provide the basic data for helping to understand male AIDS patients and their adaptation to the society by analyzing experiences during the processes from the period of first diagnosis to the period of social adaptation. Therefore, in-death interviews were carried out in the form of open and semi-structured questionnaires to 10 male AIDS patients who were maintaining healthy social activities. The questionnaires include: “How did you accept the disease?” and “What was your motivation for social adaptation?”, and “What factors helped you to adapt to the society?” Based on the Colaizzi's phenomenological analysis method, meaningful statements extracted from the original data were classified as subjects and subject groups. The results were composed of 25 subjects, 10 subject groups, and 4 categories of chaos, barriers of conflict, returning to the life and accompanied life. The patients diagnosed with AIDS have been experienced in changes of relationships and financial difficulties as the barriers of conflict. However, they started to communicate with the society and have the social adaptation once they were provided with some help and counseling from other people. Consequently, a series of experiences played a significant role as turning points and driving forces in their lives, and thus they had an accompanied life as one of the society members. We suggest a further study on female AIDS patients to compare and contrast with the results from the current study, and a development of counseling manual for helping the psychological stability and social adaptation for those who suffer from the early-stage diagnosis of AIDS based on sex differences.
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