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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Depression and cognition in Korean older adults: Effects of gender and marital status


The aims of this study were 1) to examine relations of cognitive functions with gender and marital status, 2) to examine relations of depressive symptoms with gender and marital status, and 3) to identify the effects of gender, marital status and depressive symptoms on cognitive functions in Korean older adults. This study utilized data from the Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing (KLoSA). The sample size of this study was 4,040 and the participants’ age ranged 65 years to older. The mean age was 73.56 years. The results showed that female or non-married adults reported greater depressive symptoms than male or married adults. Also, the relations between marital status (married vs non-married) and depressive symptoms were moderated by gender. That is, men showed higher cognitive functions than women. After controlling the effects of age, education, gender, and marital status, depressive symptom was identified as a sole significant predictor on cognitive functions. Our findings suggest that gender and marital status must be taken into account when examining an older individual’s depressive symptoms and cognitive functions. Also, depressive symptoms among older population may confer an increased risk factor for cognitive dysfunctions.

Old adults, Depressive symptoms, Congnitive Function, Gender, Marital Status, 노인, 우울, 인지기능, 성별차이, 결혼상태



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology