The purpose of this study is to understand experiences of women whose sisters are victims of sexual violence using phenomenological research method. Participants of this study are three women whose sisters are victims of sexual violence. The researcher mainly used the In-Depth Interview for this study including E-mail and phone call interviews. The researcher also used notes on non-verbal characteristics of the participants and her own personal thoughts and feelings. As a result of analysis on experiences of women whose sisters are victims of sexual violence, the researcher derived 10 constituents and 27 sub-constituents. The constituents are: <getting to know what has happened to her sister>, <feeling a chill to the marrow of her bones about the hopeless news>, <experiencing post-traumatic stress>, <changes of family dynamics>, <ambivalent feeling toward her sister>, <duplicity of her own existence>, <way of handling crisis and survival strategies>, <difficulty choosing survival strategies>, <growth strategies>. In conclusion, first, although sisters of victims of sexual violence experience not only psychological shock but also emotional conflict, pain, somatic symptoms, and changes of family dynamics, they try to help their sisters and grow positively from the experience. Second, sisters of sexual abuse victims feel ambivalent toward their sisters and feel confused toward themselves because they are not the one who were raped, but they are also the victims of the rape. However, they try to obtain the legitimacy of their own existence by admitting that they are also the victims of sexual violence. Third, women whose sisters were sexually abused want to heal themselves and grow by knowing and expressing what they feel and getting professional help from others. Finally, the researcher discuss the implications and limitations of this study and suggest systematic, professional development of treatment program women whose sisters were sexually abused.
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