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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Perceptions of Sex Offenders among Female Undergraduates


The present study examined perceptions and images of sex offenders and compared results with National Crime Statistics in order to explore and identify the stereotype content of sex offenders. A survey was distributed to and answered by female undergraduate students on the following categories of questions: general perception and images, characteristics, and childhood of sex offenders. The results indicated that the perceptions of sex offenders were influenced by mass media and a number of differences were identified between the content of the perceptions and National Crime Statistics. Negative implications for criminal justice systems were also discussed.

성범죄자, 고정관념, 범죄통계, 대중매체, 형사사법체계, sex offender, stereotype, crime statistics, mass media, criminal justice system, sex offender, stereotype, crime statistics, mass media, criminal justice system



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology