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메뉴This study examined the multi-dimensional model for binge eating including the personality dimension as a perfectionism, the cultural dimension as a social-face sensitivity, the social dimension as a social comparison, the body image dimension as a body surveillance and body dissatisfaction. Participants were 316 college women recruited in Deagu and Seoul provinces. The results of hypothetical model on the binge eating showed that ⒜ social-face sensitivity mediated the relation between perfectionism and social comparison, perfectionism and body surveillance, and perfectionism and body dissatisfaction, ⒝ social comparison mediated the relation of social-face sensitivity and body surveillance, ⒞ body surveillance mediated the relation between social-face sensitivity and body dissatisfaction, and social comparison and body dissatisfaction, ⒟ body dissatisfaction mediated the relation between social-face sensitivity and binge eating, and body surveillance and binge eating. It shows that socially-prescribed perfectionism lead to social-face sensitivity and social comparison, which influence body surveillance and body dissatisfaction, and finally they cause binge eating. Especially these results indicate that social-face sensitivity play an important role in beginning and maintenance of binge eating.
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