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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Gender Differences on Job Burnout among South Korean Employees


Present study explored gender differences on job burnout among 441 South Korean employees. According to job demands-resources model, job characteristics were divided into two categories as job demands(workload, role conflict, emotional demands) and job resources(autonomy, social support, opportunities to learn). Demographic variables were also included in regression analyses to test influences on burnout among predictors. Results show that male employees reported rather higher levels of job demands and resources than female employees, and the levels of emotional demands and overall job demands were significantly different. Male and female employees showed no significant differences on burnout levels. This supports the earlier finding of Maslach & Jackson(1985) that gender itself is not a strong predictor of employee burnout. Regression analyses indicated that the importance of predictors on three burnout constructs was different between male and female employees. Based on the results, implications, limitations, and suggestions for further researches were discussed.

job burnout, gender differences, job demands-resources model, job demands, job resources, 직무소진, 남녀 차이, 직무요구-자원 모형, 직무요구, 직무자원



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology