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메뉴This study is intended to understand better what the participants experience through the parenting role and disclose what the essence of the experience. The present study adopted the phenomenological method of the qualitative research. In particular, this paper chose van Manen's hermeneutic phenomenological method. The participants for this study were 8 persons, who have experienced parenting as a mother of single-parent families. Data was collected by using in-depth interviews. The study derived twenty-six sub-themes and 6 main themes which were combined by those sub-themes. The parenting experiences of a mother of single-parent families are as followings: <coming that my life is broken into pieces>, <fear and impatience of to be asked on its own way>, <reconstructing that way of living as a single-mother>, <becoming estranged relations and becoming relations of defensive activities against possible disadvantage>, <fagging of to be asked on its own way>, <becoming good life as single-parent>. Parenting experiences of participants were disclosed to the structure that participants should carry out on its own way in the change of identity, relation and role.
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