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메뉴The purpose of this study was to verify the effects of mother and father's parenting self-efficacy on children’s academic self-efficacy and the mediating effects of parental supports of learning. To achieve this, this study measured parenting self-efficacy of parents who have children in 4-6 grade of one elementary school located in Gyeonggi-do province and their children’s academic self-efficacy by conducting survey. Among 240 distributed questionnaires, 200 from parents, 225 from children were used for analysis and it was verified the parenting supports of learning‘s complete mediation effects of parenting self-efficacy on children’s academic self-efficacy. It was also confirmed by the sub-factors, the mediating effects of the learning environment management factors and the providing academic information factors. These results imply that mother and father's parenting self-efficacy is a variable to influence the development of children’s academic self-efficacy and it is important to raise the level of parental supports of learning to improve children’s academic self-efficacy. It also has an academically and practically important meaning to show the effects and limitations of parenting supports of learning in improving children’s academic self-efficacy. Then limitations of this study and suggestions for further research were discussed.
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