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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Exploration of Faking on Measures of Dark Side of Personality in terms of Gender, Response Situation, Type of Measures


The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of response situation(honest /faking), type of personality measures(Normative/Ipsative), and gender(male/female) on the dark side of personality related to derailment factors. The normative form of dark side of personality measures consists of 120 items, while the ipsative is composed of 40 sets of items with 3 alternatives. 414 college students completed both normative and ipsative version of the personality inventory related to derailment factors either honestly or in a fake-good condition. The results of three-way ANOVA with hybrid design demonstrated the significant main effect for response situation and gender. In the case of the interaction, the significant two-way interaction of response situation and type of personality measures was supported. However, there was no significant three-way interaction of response situation, types of personality measures and gender, indicating the two-way interaction of response situation and type of personality measures was consistent across gender. This shows the ipsative type can reduce the faking behavior in the context of personnel selection compared to the normative in males as well as females. Suggestions for future research and practical implications were provided based on the findings.

Gender differences, Dark Side of Personality, Faking, Normative, Ipsative, 남녀차이, 어두운 성격요인, 응답왜곡



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology