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메뉴The purpose of this study is examining the effects of mothers' mental health, parenting stress, mother-child relationship, children's temperament, and behavior problem on the internet addiction of young children's mothers. Subjects were 811 mothers having young children aged 3 or under. Results are as follows. First, as a result of investigating how internet addiction patterns of young children's mothers, 0.1% of participants were classified the high risk internet user group needed the intensive treatment at the specialized agency. 1.1% of the participants were classified as type A among latent risk user group needed the professional counselling on their mental health, and 13.4% were classified as type B among latent risk user group needed. for effective time management. Second, mothers in the internet addiction group showed more depression and anxiety, experienced higher parenting stress, and felt more relational frustration between mother and child than ones in normal group. Third, young children of internet addicted mothers showed more difficult or slow to warm-up temperament and more externalizing and internalizing behavior problems than ones in the normal group. Finally, mothers' depression and parenting stress were significant predictors on mothers' internet addiction.
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