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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Effects of consensual unwanted sex and attachment on satisfaction with romantic relationship


This study is to explore the effects of consensual unwanted sex and attachment on satisfaction with romantic relationship. A survey was conducted on 69 adult couples (138 persons) who are aged 20 and over and currently in a relationship, and the data from 62 couples (62 men, 62 women) who completed the self-report scales was utilized. The subjects were asked to answer questionnaires including the Experience of Close Relationship Scales (ECRS), the Scale of Satisfaction with Romantic Relationship, and the Consensual Unwanted Sex Scale. The result are as follows; First, women's consensual unwanted sex is negatively correlated with their relationship satisfaction. Second, women are more likely to consent to unwanted sex as their attachment anxiety increases. Third, women's consensual unwanted sex has a direct effect on satisfaction with relationship and their attachment anxiety has an indirect influence on satisfaction through the consent of unwanted sex. Fourth, women's consensual unwanted sex shows a significant effect on women's relationship satisfaction whereas it does not exhibit a significant effect on the relationship satisfaction of their partners. The implications and the limitations of this study and the future research directions are discussed.

consensual unwanted sex, adult attachment, attachment-related avoidance, attachment-related anxiety, satisfaction with romantic relationship, APIM, 원하지 않는 성행동 응낙, 성인 애착, 애착회피, 애착불안, 이성관계만족, 자기-상대방 상호의존성 모델



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology