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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Relationships of Mothers' versus Teachers' Autonomy Support with Student's Academic Achievement: Mediating Effects of Learning Motivation and Strategy


The purpose of this study was to investigate structural relationships of perceived mothers' or teachers' autonomy support, learning motivation and learning strategy with academic achievement. Specifically, we examined the mediating effects of learning motivation and strategy between perceived mothers' or teachers' autonomy support and academic achievement. The subjects of the study were 398 female students(10th graders) sampled from one high school located in S city. By structural equation modeling, we compared three research models hypothesized based on previous studies and theories. The results showed that mothers' autonomy support had statistically significant effects on students' intrinsic or extrinsic motivation in either positive or negative ways, while teachers' autonomy support had statistically significant effects only on students' extrinsic motivation in addition to students' learning strategy. Second, students' learning motivation had significant effects on their learning strategy in that their intrinsic motivation had positive effects while their extrinsic motivation had negative effects. Third, mothers' autonomy support had significant indirect effects on students' academic achievement mediating by both learning motivation and learning strategy. On the other hand, teachers' autonomy support had significant indirect effects on students' academic achievement mediating by both extrinsic motivation and learning strategy or only by learning strategy. The size of indirect effects related to students' extrinsic motivation was relatively larger than that of their intrinsic motivation. Results suggest the importance of mothers’ and teachers' autonomy support, students's motivation and strategy in improving students' academic achievement. Finally, the necessity of developing a general achievement model including non-cognitive achievement in addition to cognitive achievement was discussed.

어머니의 자율성 지지, 교사의 자율성 지지, 학습동기, 학습전략, 학업성취도, mothers' autonomy support, teachers' autonomy support, learning motivation, learning strategy, achievement



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology