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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The factors influencing receptive behavior towards the Migrant Workers from Southeast Asia


The present study was conducted to conform the effect of attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavior control in explaining receptive behavior intention as well as receptive behavior towards the Migrant Workers from Southeast Asia, and to investigate the comparative role of Korean social identity, stereotype and prejudice(i.e. attitude about object) in the prediction of receptive behavior towards the Migrant Workers from Southeast Asia, and to study the mediating role of emotion(prejudice) in effects of stereotype on receptive attitued, receptive behavior intention, and receptive behavior towards the Migrant Workers from Southeast Asia. A sample of 516 undergraduate participated in the survey. The results from regression analyses indicated that the receptive intention was explained 57% by proposed model, while receptive behavior was explained 54% by this model. Furthermore, tests of the mediation model demonstrate that emotion(prejudice) as a partial mediator in the linkage between stereotype and receptive behavior towards the Migrant Workers from Southeast Asia. The implications and limitations of the present study as well as the future directions of this area were discussed.

동남아계 외국인 노동자, 다문화 수용성, 고정관념, 편견(정서), 계획된 행동이론, the Migrant Workers from Southeast Asia, stereotype, prejudice, theory of planned behavior, receptive behavior



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology