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메뉴This study was conducted to demonstrate how well-being of middle-aged women was affected by spiritual mind and focusing manner. To do so, several researches in relation to a Korean version of the Mental Health Continuum-short form(Well-being), Spiritual Well-being Scale(spirituality) and Korean Focusing Manner Scale(Focusing Manner) were carried out to a total number of 399 women aged between 40 and 60 living in Seoul and Kangwon in South Korea. As a result, it was proved by an examination on the mental influence of spirituality and focusing manner from the multiple regression analysis that spiritual mind and focusing manner had a significant effect on mental well-being. It was found that spirituality had relatively a greater impact to mental well-being than focusing manner and spirituality explained 46.4% of mental well-being. In addition, a technical analysis was undertaken to identify the influence of mental wellness on sub-factors from spirituality and focusing manner, concluding that middle-aged women was most greatly affected by ‘existential spirituality’ in terms of mental well-being. Apart from that, sub-factors from focusing manner, such as ‘experiential awareness’, ‘experiential attention and appreciations’ and ‘experiential acceptance and action taking’ had a minor influence, whereas, neither ‘transcendental spirit’ nor ‘keeping appropriate distance’ were selected from the scale model. In conclusion, the research was based on the discussion of the influence of spirituality and focusing manner on middle-aged women and the applied clinical study.
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