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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology

Relationship between Parenting and Mental Health of Mothers and Behavioral Problem of 24-month-old Infant with Atopic Dermatitis


This study examines the effect of atopic dermatitis of infants on mental health of mothers, parenting, and mental health of infants and their correlation. Among the people who participating in the Childhood Asthma and Allergic Diseases Cohort Study(COCOA) conducted since 2008 by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to identify causes of atopic asthma, 393 pairs of two years old children and their mothers. Mental health of infants was measured by K-ASQ and ITSEA and mental health of mothers was measured by CESD-10 for depression, STAI for anxiety, SWLS for degree of satisfaction with life, and K-MSI for degree of satisfaction with marital life. K-PSI for parenting stress, K-PRQ-P for parent-child relationship, and P-CIPA for parent-infant interaction were also administered to measure parenting variables. The findings are as follows: First, Infants with atopic dermatitis showed a higher level of attention than ordinary infants. Infants with atopic dermatitis paid better attention to interaction with their mothers than ordinary infants. Mothers of infants with atopic dermatitis had a lower degree of satisfaction with life and a higher degree of dissatisfaction with marital life than mothers of ordinary infants. In terms of parenting stress, they showed higher total scores and experienced a higher level of stress in the domains of adaptability, demandingness, competence, isolation, health, role restriction, depression, and spouse than mothers of ordinary infants. Second, a higher level of externalizing behavior problems among children with atopic dermatitis led to a higher degree of dissatisfaction with marital life by their mothers. Mothers felt a higher level of parenting stress and showed a lower level of attachment to their children when their children had a higher level of regulation problems. Third, mothers' parenting stress and relational frustration had a positive effect on behavior problems of children. A higher level of engagement and reactivity of mothers in parent-child interaction led to a lower degree of regulation problems of infants.

infants with atopic dermatitis, mental health of mother, variables of parenting, 아토피피부염 유아, 유아의 행동문제, 어머니 정신건강, 양육관련 변인



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology