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메뉴The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the scale for measuring positive and negative effects of multiple roles on employed mothers. This scale was developed based on the literature review, the examination of existing scales and the responses of open-ended questionnaires. The optimal structure of the scale was examined using exploratory factor analysis. The scale for measuring positive effects of multiple roles consisted of factor 1 of Work-to-Family Gains(7 items), factor 2 of Multiple-Role Self-Efficacy(8 items), factor 3 of Family-to-Work Gains(6 items), factor 4 of Financial Gains(4 items), and factor 5 of Separation from Family Stress(3 items). The scale for measuring negative effects consisted of factor 1 of Burnout and Overload(7 items), factor 2 of Family-to-Work Conflict(9 items), factor 3 of Work-to-Family Physical Conflict(7 items), factor 4 of Discomfort in Relationships with Homemakers(4 items), and factor 5 of Work-to-Family Psychological Conflict(3 items). Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the hierarchial 2-level factor model of these scales, respectively. The validity and reliability of the scales were verified through validity analysis and test-retest reliability analysis. Finally, the implications and limitations of these findings and recommendable topics for further study were discussed.
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