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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Effects of Cognitive Vulnerability and Gender Differences to Persistence on Adolescent Depressive Symptom: A Six Months Longitudinal Study


The purpose of the current study was to examine the impacts of cognitive factors such as sociotropy and autonomy as cognitive structures, ruminative response style as a cognitive process and co-rumination as a social process on persistence of depressive symptoms and identify gender differences on the relationship among constructs in a six months longitudinal study. The final participants were 718(female 308, male 410). The result showed that first, female adolescents’ depressive symptoms were showed high readings after 6 months. Second, there was indirect effects of sociotropy and ruminative response style and negative indirect effect of co-rumination on six months later depressive symptoms Also, there was no effect of autonomy on initial and six months later depressive symptoms. Third, there was only a significant gender differences of the effect of co-rumination on six months later depressive symptoms. These results confirmed that sociotropy and ruminative response style are the vulnerability factors for the onset and persistence of adolescents’ depressive symptoms but co-rumination is a protective factor for depressive symptoms. Thus, It was confirmed that impacts of the personality vulnerability factors of sociotropy and autonomy, ruminative response style and co-rumination on the depressive symptoms of adolescent in a longitudinal study.

청소년, 우울증상, 우울지속성, 사회지향성, 자율지향성, 반추반응양식, 공동반추, adolescent, depressive symptoms, persistent depressive disorder, sociotropy, autonomy, ruminative response style, co-rumination



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology