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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Structural Relationships Among Perceived Mother’s Autonomy Support, Conditional Regard, Autonomous motivation and Prosocial Behavior


The purpose of this study was to examine the structural relations among perceived mother's autonomy support, conditional regard, autonomous motivation and prosocial behavior. This study investigated whether autonomous motivation mediates the otherwise direct effects that perceived mother's autonomy support and conditional regard have on prosocial behavior. One-hundred and sixty six students self-reported their class-specific perceived mother's autonomy support, conditional regard, autonomous motivation and prosocial behavior. Structural analyses showed that autonomy support contributed positively to autonomous motivation while conditional regard(conditional positive regard and conditional negative regard) contributed positively controlled motivation; autonomous motivation in turn contributed positively to prosocial behavior while controlled motivation contributed negatively to prosocial behavior. Test for mediation showed that autonomous motivation mediated the direct effect autonomy support had on prosocial behavior.; while controlled motivation mediated the direct effect conditional regard had prosocial behavior.

자율성지지, 조건부 관심, 자율적 동기, 통제적 동기, 친사회적 행동의 경향성, autonomy support, conditional regard, autonomous motivation, controlled motivation, prosocial behavior tendencies



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology