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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The Effects of sexual violence myths, interpersonal violence acceptance and sex role related attitudes on aggressive sexual behavior


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of acceptance of sexual violence myths, interpersonal violence acceptance and sex role related attitudes on aggressive sexual behavior. The participants were 360 students (171 males, 189 females). T-test, correlation analysis were used for the analysis of data collected from the participants. According to the results, male students generally showed higher degree of acceptance in myths on rape and sexual harassment. The main purpose of this study is to identify that there are diffrences about the attitudes on sexual violence myths (rape, sexual harassment), interpersonal violence acceptance, and sex role related between sexually aggressive group and non-agressive group. In this study, there is a significant correlation between myths on sexual violence, interpersonal violence acceptance and sex role related attitudes. Sexually aggressive group and non-aggressive group showed a significant difference in the acceptance of interpersonal violence and anti-feminism attitude. Proposals for sexual violence prevention and related education through the result obtained are as follow; First of all, focus on alleviating the individual’s violent act and strengthening the gender equality awareness is needed. Also, contents regarding the reforming of common notions that encourage the legitimacy or rationalization of aggressive sexual behavior should be included.

강간통념, 성희롱통념, 공격적 성행동, 성역할 태도, 성폭력, 대인폭력수용, sexual violence myths, rape, sexual harassment, interpersonal violence acceptance, sex role related attitudes, aggressive sexual behavior



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology