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메뉴This study examines perception and experience of child abuse at day care centers and need for counseling among 519 mothers. Major findings are as follows. First, 76 mothers (14.6%) had experience or suspicion of their children having been abused at day care centers and 92 mothers (17.7%) had experience or suspicion of other children having been abused at day care centers. The most frequently adopted response was to protest against abusing teachers or directors. The biggest reason of taking no actions was the probability of being harmed or disadvantaged when their children were abused and that the degree of abuse was not serious enough to intervene or evidence was not clear when other children were abused. Second, the biggest cause of child abuse by day care center teachers was job stress followed by characteristic problems and mental health problems of teachers. Third, in terms of follow-up measures, cancellation of teaching license was demanded most highly for abusing teachers while administration of in-depth psychological assessment for abused children and their parents. Fourth, child abuse counseling was mostly done at the mental health department of hospitals in the format of professional psychological test and diagnosis, and 11 mothers (47.8%) responded the level of satisfaction with counseling was mediocre. Fifth, 470 mothers (90.6%) said they would use a counseling center specialized in child abuse by day care center teachers if such organization was established. They said such organization would help them decide on whether to report abuse of their children as well as prevent child abuse. They also responded the organization should be installed in the counseling center in the comprehensive child care support center. Sixth, 498 mothers (94.2%) said counselors specialized in development and psychology of young children were required to address child abuse by day care center teachers for play therapy for young children and counseling for parents and teachers. Qualification was at least college graduates who majored in psychology and child care with three to five years of field experience under appropriate licenses or certificates. Finally, they demanded mandatory installation of CCTVs in day care centers to prevent and eliminate child abuse at day care centers. Implications and follow-up research were also provided and suggested based on the findings.
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