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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The effect of subordinate’s emotional labor on life satisfaction: A dual mediating effect of emotional exhaustion and work-family conflict


The purpose of this study was to examine the dual mediating effect of emotional exhaustion and work-family conflict(work to family interfering) in the relationship between subordinates’ emotional labor(surface acting) and life satisfaction. A total of 547 employees working at various companies in Korea participated in an on-line survey, 357 data were used for statistical analysis after the elimination of inadequate sample including unmarried persons. In order to examine the dual mediation model, structural equation modeling was conducted through AMOS programs. The results demonstrated that the model of a full mediation effect of emotional exhaustion and work-family conflict was supported. And latent mean analysis showed that females has significantly higher work-family conflict than males while there was no significant gender differences in other variables(surface acting, emotional exhaustion, life satisfaction) as well as path coefficients. On the basis of the results, the implications and future research directions were discussed.

emotional labor, surface acting, emotional exhaustion, work-family conflict, life satisfaction, 정서노동, 내면행동, 정서적 소진, 일-가정 갈등, 삶의 만족



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology