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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


A Life History of the Female Counselor’s Participated in Sewol Ferry Disaster Counseling


The purpose of this study was to understand the developmental process of a female counselor in her late fifties participated in Sewol ferry disaster counseling in An-san region last year. She participated in providing counseling for the victims' families of Sewol ferry disaster, additionally establishing governmental psychological supports plan for recovering collective trauma in An-san region community, through which she have gotten self-reflection of whole her life. For in-depth interview data analysis, Mandelbaum’s three conceptual frameworks were employed; dimensions, turnings, and adaption. Result of study indicated the extracted categories such as ‘having a self image in youth’, ‘marriage in fairy-tale’, ‘unexpected death of husband’, ‘taking a step forward from darkness’, the way of counselor’, nice grown child’, and ‘Sewol ferry disaster’ in life dimension, ‘death in front of life’, and ‘milestone in life, counseling’ in turning points, and ‘before Sewol ferry disaster’, and ‘after Sewol ferry disaster’ in adaption. Life history methods revealed the counselor’s internal developmental process by analyzing what Sewol ferry disaster influenced on an individual life, especially a counselor's one, what changes she went through, and how she adapted herself to that. On the basis of the results, discussions and suggestions are provided.

Sewol ferry, female counselor, development of counselor, Mandelbaum’s life history, 세월호, 여성상담자, 상담자 성장, Mandelbaum 생애사분석



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology