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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


An exploratory study on effecting factors of cognitive level of occupational information by career-interrupted women: focus on information gap factors


This study aims at confirming the factors that affect the cognitive level of occupational information of women whose careers have been interrupted and getting the implications for the way to improve their cognitive level of occupational information that is important to reemployment. This study examine whether various factors that precedent studies show can cause individual information gap such as desire for information seeking, information processing strategy, social network, internet information literacy have a signigicant influence on the cognitive level of occupational information. Research subjects are 375 career-interrupted women and participated through 11 institutes for vocational education and training for women. Research tool is questionnaires that measure the cognitive level of occupational information and information gap factors. Researcher constructed them in reference of information gap theories and previous studies. Construct validity and reliability of research tool were verified each by factor analysis and interitem consistency. According to the results of data analysis, the cognitive level of occupational information was 30.3% explained by the information gap factors. The regression model was statistically significant(F=33.500, p<.001). In terms of the influence of individual information gap factors, the cognitive level of occupational information was most affected by internet information literacy(β=.309, p<.001), followed by information processing strategy(β=.179, p<.01), desire for information seeking(β=.146, p<.01) and institutional network(β=.102, p<.05). On the other hand, individual network don't have a significant effect on the cognitive level of occupational information. And by analyzing difference of information gap factors from demographic characteristic and employment background variables, it showed difference according to age, level of education, income, period of work experience and preparation period for employment. As a result, it provided practical implication to enhance cognitive level of occupational information by career-interrupted women and suggested implication to reduce the occupational information gap among career-interrupted women.

career-interrupted women, information gap factors, cognitive level of occupational information, 경력단절여성, 정보격차요인, 직업정보인지도



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology