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메뉴Through longitudinal approach, this study aims to investigate the transition of aggression and juvenile delinquent behavior during teenage years and the effect of aggression on juvenile delinquency. Particularly, forms of aggression and gender difference are investigated. 2,280 8th grade students and 2,108 10th grade students participated in this study. The result showed, in terms of aggression, 10th grade students have lower aggressive tendencies compared to the 8th grade students. Correlation between aggression and Juvenile delinquency showed that not only aggression has positive effect on delinquency, but also middle school students with higher aggressive tendencies tend to show higher level of delinquent behavior as they proceed to high school education. We have found that there was a positive correlation between the two domains; as the level of aggression rises, so does the frequency of delinquent behavior. In terms of gender, female students have higher aggressive tendencies compared to male students regardless of the grade level difference. The limitations of the study and suggestions for further research are discussed.
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