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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Differences of the Alternative Production in the Work-Family Multiple Role Conflict According to the Psychological Distance: Based on the Construal Level Theory


Increasing of women's external activities makes their work-family multiple role conflicts, which cause career discontinuity and psychological burden on women. Therefore, it is important to understand women's experience in the multiple role conflicts and effective coping strategies. In this context, this research studies the effect of psychological distance as a strategy of boosting resilient and flexible thinking. For that, Construal Level Theory(CLT) has been applied to the experiment design using scenarios as stimulus. The results of the study are as follows. Psychologically distant group was superior in fluency and flexibility in producing alternatives. In terms of the coping style tendencies in alternatives, the psychologically distant group had a higher response rate for problem-centered coping strategies and lower rate for maladaptive coping strategies than the psychologically close group. Finally, the implications and limitations of the study have been discussed.

일-가족 다중역할갈등, 심리적 거리, 대안 생성, 유창성, 융통성, 대처 양식, work-family multiple role conflict, psychological distance, Construal Level Theory, alternative production, fluency, flexibility, coping style



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology