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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology

The relationships between Women's Personality and Body Dysmorphic Disorder


This study was conducted to figure out influences of certain personality variables of women on onset and maintenance of body dysmorphic disorder. To identify predictive personality of women in body dysmorphic disorder and its symptoms, this study analyzed the relationship between certain personality variables of women and body dysmorphic concern. The participants, 307 women aged 20 to 60 years, completed BICI(Body Image Concern Inventory) for body dysmorphic concern, The Korean Personality Disorder Test for Personality Pathology, and NEO-IPIP(International Personality Item Pool) for Big 5 personality traits. The correlation analysis between body dysmorphic concern and personality revealed that body dysmorphic concern was strong positively correlated with typical personality pathology across all subjects. Also the result of analysis showed that there was positive correlation between body dysmorphic concern and neuroticism whereas it indicated that the concern had a negative correlation with extroversions and conscientiousness. Of the total, 37.4% variables of Body dysmorphic concern was account for dependent personality disorder trait, narcissistic personality disorder traits, anti social personality disorder trait and paranoid personality disorder traits. Among those traits, dependent personality disorder trait was identified as the most remarkable one. In addition, neuroticism and conscientiousness of personality five factor accounted 14.3% of the total variables. Finally, we discussed the limits of measurement in body dysmorphic disorder and the influences of personality variables on onset and maintenance of body dysmorphic disorder in women.

신체이형장애, 신체이형염려, 성격병리, 성격 5요인, body dsmorphic disorder, body dysmorphic concern, personality disorder, personality pathology, big 5



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology