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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Structural Relationships Among Pregnant Women’s Extraversion and Neuroticism, Marital Intimacy, Stress and Maternal-Fetal Attachment


The purpose of this study was to examine the structural relations among extraversion and neuroticism, marital intimacy, stress and maternal-fetal attachment. A self-reported survey was conducted on 211 pregnant women who participated in prenatal education program in Seoul and Gyeonggi, and Structural Equation Modeling was used to analyze the data. The results were as follows: first, pregnant women’s extraversion influenced directly maternal-fetal attachment, but neuroticism did not have a direct influence on maternal-fetal attachment. Second, pregnant women’s extraversion influenced indirectly maternal-fetal attachment via marital intimacy. Third, pregnant women’s neuroticism influenced indirectly maternal-fetal attachment via stress. Finally, pregnant women’s extraversion influenced maternal-fetal attachment indirectly through marital intimacy and stress. Based on these results, strategies to improve maternal-fetal attachment were discussed.

maternal-fetal attachment, extraversion, neuroticism, marital intimacy, stress, 태아애착, 외향성, 신경증, 부부친밀감, 스트레스



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology