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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


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Vol.21 No.3

A Phenomenological Approach Based on Female Ex-offenders' Parenting Experiences During and After Incarceration

The purpose of this study was to understand the parenting experience of female ex-offenders during and after incarceration. Giorgi's phenomenological method was employed to deduct 12 components and 32 subcomponents from statements of deep interviews of 9 participants. Participants are female ex-offenders who had housing support or job training of Korea Rehabilitation Agency under Ministry of Justice. The components are: "Concern for children's aftereffect due to maternal incarceration", "Reproaching oneself and feeling shame for own incarceration", "people who fulfill the needs of my vacancy", "concern for opening up to one's children of their maternal incarceration", "children as reasons for living", "the aftermath of maternal incarceration on children", "occupying mother's position after releasing from prison", "a fresh start after incarceration", "confronting the family conflict after incarceration", "after the storm comes the calm", "national Ex-offender support services to minimize mother's absence", and "hopes of getting government support with regard to parenting". The discussion and implication were provided based on the results of this study.

A Feminist study on the Wilber’s integral feminism

The aim of this study revolves on a critical examination of Wilber’s integral feminism and his gender perspective from a feminist perspective in order to improve integral feminism and discover basic principles of transpersonal feminist counseling. A variety of Wilber’s writings and studies on gender conducted by the Integral Community were reviewed. The literature review centers on Wilber’s perspective on feminism, the consciousness of sex and gender, typology of ego development. Integral feminism expands women’s experiences and gender identities to transpersonal development beyond pre-personal and personal aspects. The author developed an integral map on gender and feminism using an all quadrant all level (AQAL) model of integral feminism. The integral theory explains gender in the context of the consciousness development of humankind and individuals. From this perspective, gender and gender identities, which have been constructed in modern society is expected to be transcended as society evolves into a post-modernism phase. Individuals are expected to have transpersonal consciousness of gender accompanied by de-identifying with all traits along with psychological and spiritual development. Gender typology requires sensitive insights into a process and influences of forming differences as it has political implications and influence on individual development, which is different from other typologies. In order for integral feminism to offer a more detailed map and clinical implications, it needs to incorporate a perspective from feminist counseling that addresses women’s issues based on cultural, social, and political contexts, focusing on gender and power. Feminist epistemology and feminist counseling techniques, such as a gender analysis and a power analysis, are beneficial to understand the close relationships among four quadrants. The spectrum theory that includes transpersonal aspects of human consciousness development and the integral theory that emphasizes the transformation of social systems along with individual psychology for consciousness development would benefit to found transpersonal feminist counseling.

An exploratory study on the development of online mother-daughter intimacy during the daughter’s transition from adolescence to adulthood

Recently, more attention has been paid to the importance of online family interactions as online interpersonal relationships became more active. The present study aimed to examine the development of online mother-daughter relationship in accordance with the daughter’s transition process from adolescence to adulthood. The focus group interviews were conducted twice by the first author. The first interview group consisted of 5 single females and the second group of 5 married females, who were selected through the convenience sampling from November 26, 2013 to December 11, 2013. It was found that the online intimacy in the mother-daughter relationship could be defined operationally as the deepened affection through close contacts regardless of time and space. Results showed that the online mother-daughter relationship could be divided by the online communication avoidance period, the online communication exploration period, the online communication amplification period, and the stable online communication period. In the online communication avoidance period, the daughter’s online activities created conflicts in the mother-daughter relationship. Although both of them were engaged in online communication, the mother took part in more online activities in the initial online contacts. In the online communication amplification period, mother and daughter planned her marriage in the near future, which was a major event for all daughters. The online mother-daughter relationship became closer as they prepared for this event. In the stable online communication period, they did not always touch base online, but they still maintained daily online communication. The daughter's offspring became the focus of the online communication. The findings indicated that the online communication provided a basis for both mother and daughter to better understand each other and deepen their affection.

An Analysis of the Longitudinal Changes of Satisfaction with Marriage and Work for Married Working Women

This study analyzed the longitudinal changes of satisfaction with marriage and work for married working women. Using the Korean Longitudinal Survey of Woman & Fmaliles, data were analyzed by Latent Growth Model. The results of this study were as follows. First, the marriage satisfaction was decreasing with the course of time and the higher the intial score of marriage satisfaction, the faster the decreasing speed of marriages satisfaction. Second, the work satisfaction was increasing as time passes and the higher of initial score of work satisfaction, the slower the increasing speed of work satisfaction. Third, the younger married working women, the higher the initial score of the marriage satisfaction. The shorter the period of marriage, the higher the initial score of work satisfaction and the older married working women, the slower the decreasing speed of work satisfaction. Forth, the effect of work satisfaction on marriage satisfaction was decreasing over time. The implications on research and limitations were discussed.

The Mediation Effects of Sexual Assertiveness between Gender-role Stereotypes and Dating Violence Acceptability of Female College Students

This study aims to examine the mediating effect of sexual assertiveness between gender-role stereotypes and dating violence acceptability of female college students. For this purpose, surveys were conducted by 548 female students attending five four-year-course colleges in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province, using gender-role stereotype scale, dating violence acceptability scale, and sexual assertiveness scale. Based on the collected data, descriptive statistic, correlation analysis, structure equation model test about model of this study, and goodness-of-fit test were performed and analysed. Also, interviews were conducted by 60 female students who participated in the survey in order to derive qualitative information relating to sexual assertiveness. The results of this study are as follows. First, the results of qualitative research about the reason why college female students don’t stand up the sexual assertiveness effectively between couple relationships, and what kind of helping behaviors they need, 3 domains and 12 categories(4 internal reasons, 5 external reasons, 3 helping behaviors they need) were finally derived. Second, gender-role stereotypes and dating violence acceptability were found to have a significant positive correlation, gender-role stereotypes and sexual assertiveness, and dating violence acceptability were shown to have a significant negative correlation. Third, the mediating effect of sexual assertiveness on the relationship between gender-role stereotypes and dating violence acceptability appeared to be significant. This study is significant in terms of providing basic information for intervention to change awareness about gender-role and sexual assertiveness through female college students’ counseling and training.

Perceived Discrimination, Acculturation, Acculturative Stress, and Depression among North Korean Refugees : A Mediated Moderation Model

The present study examined conjoint effects of perceived discrimination, acculturation, and acculturative stress to North Korean refugees’ levels of depression. Specifically, we tested a mediated moderation model in which interactive effects of perceived discrimination and acculturation were hypothesized to predict depression via their effects on acculturative stress. A total of 87 female North Korean refugees completed a set of questionnaires assessing perceived discrimination, acculturation, acculturative stress and depression. In addition, demographic factors such as age and duration of residence in the South and recruitment site were included in the analysis as covariates. Results indicated that acculturative stress partially mediated the effect of perceived discrimination on depression although this indirect effect was not moderated by acculturation. Moreover, direct effects of perceived discrimination, South Korean cultural orientation, and interactive effects of perceived discrimination x North Korean cultural orientation x South Korean cultural orientation on depression were significant. Theoretical and clinical implications and limitations of this study are discussed.

Relationships among the Attitude towards Multiple Role Planning, Cognitive Flexibility, Gender Role Attitude, Employer Sensitivity and the Experience of Multiple Roles

This study examined how an attitude towards multiple role planning, cognitive flexibility and a gender role attitude, which are considered as personal internal factors of female teachers with children, as well as a perceived difference in couples' gender role attitude and employer sensitivity, which are considered as environmental factors, predict the negative and positive experiences of work-family multiple roles. For this study, a self-reported survey was administered to 266 female teachers with children in Seoul, Gyeonggi, Incheon and Daejeon. A hierarchical regression analysis was conducted using the SPSS 18.0 program. The results of the study indicate that as attitude towards multiple role planning, cognitive flexibility, and employer sensitivity increase, female teachers with children have a lower level of negative experiences of work-family multiple roles and a higher level of positive experiences. In addition, it was found that as female teachers' level of gender role attitude increase, they have a higher level of experiences of work-family multiple roles and that as a perceived difference in couples' gender role attitude increase, female teachers had a higher level of negative experience of work-family multiple roles. Based on the results of the study, suggestions and implications regarding on work-family multiple roles were made. The limitations of the present study as well as directions for future studies were discussed.

Relationships among Marital Satisfaction, Happiness and Gratitude Expression in the Aged Married Couples

This research aims to examine relationships among expressional gratitude, marital satisfaction and happiness in aged married couples over forty years old. One hundred and eighty five couples living in Busan participated this study. Husbands showed more gratitude expressions in ‘return behavior' and ‘reflection' areas than wives did. Husbands also reported that they received more gratitude expression from their wives than wives did. According to stepwise regression analysis of predicted variables on marital satisfaction, husband's perceived gratitude expression given by their wife was a robust and essential factor to explain husband's marital satisfaction. On the other hand, wives's expressed gratitude toward their husband was a major factor to predict wives' marital satisfaction. The dispositional gratitude was the most crucial factor for couple's happiness but not for marital satisfaction. Compared between perceived gratitude more group and expressed gratitude more group, wives in expressed gratitude more group toward their husbands reported more marital satisfaction than wives in perceived gratitude more group provided by husbands. In contrast, husbands in perceived gratitude more group showed more marital satisfaction than husbands in expressed gratitude more group. The results suggest that couple's expressed gratitude toward one's spouse may be a promoting variable to enhance positive relationship, wheras dispositional gratitude may be a variable that enhances happiness.

Gender Differences among juvenile offenders in the background characteristics and personality functioning

Not only have female juvenile offenders been understudied, but also few attempts have been made to explore differences between female and male juvenile offenders. To examine gender differences among juvenile offenders, 36 female juvenile offenders were compared with 202 male juvenile offenders, in terms of offender background characteristics and personality functioning. As a result, female and male juvenile offenders differed in various aspects: as to whether they had a history of psychological abuse in the family and whether they had delinquent friends. Significant differences found between female and male juvenile offenders included alcohol/drug abuse and ability to handle difficult situations. In addition, female juvenile offenders were more likely to display mental health problems, such as anxiety, depression, paranoia, schizophrenia, and suicidal ideations, than male juvenile offenders. The present study emphasizes that differential efforts of intervention and treatment for female juvenile offenders are necessary in order to prevent repetitive delinquent behaviors. Finally, limitations of the present study and suggestions for future research were discussed.

A Narrative Inquiry on the Identity Change of Household-heading Middle-aged Women in Photo Therapy

This study is intended to make a detailed inquiry into the process itself in which middle-aged female heads of families realized their own identities and they changed. Hence, through the narrative methodology of Clandinin and Connelly(2000), this study made an inquiry into the method of defining themselves within the relationship and within the role in the life of middle-aged female heads of families and the subjective and detailed realm of experience where femininity and motherhood were mixed into identity. Besides, through photo therapy, useful tool of identity inquiry, an inquiry was intended to be made an inquiry into the process identity change of middle-aged heads of families through visual image. The results of analysis in this study are as follows. In the 3-dimensional space, narrative inquiry space, the participants' common experiences were classified as follows. First, in the situation(place) dimension, they were 'absence of care', 'reappearance of control', 'severance and isolation', and 'responsibility for rearing'. Second, in continuity(temporality) dimension, it was shown that they were 'escape', ‘depression', maternal regression', and 'maturity'. Third, in the interaction dimension, it was deduced that they were 'adaptation', 'refusal', 'leading' and 'interdependence.' It was shown that these analysis results were in gear with the process of change in participants' identities from the viewpoint of role connected to 'helpless daughter', 'good-natured wife', 'tough mother', and 'centrality of family.' Besides, it was shown that photo therapy experience resulted in reframing the viewpoint by finding unfinished problem, checking a change, and accelerating self-acceptance in the process of change in participants' identities. The significance and limitations of these study results were also presented.

The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology