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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The Effects of Employed Women’s Non-adoptive Cognitive Emotion Regulation on Job Satisfaction: Moderating Effects of Self-Expression


The purpose of this study is to investigate moderating effects of self-expression between employed women’s non-adoptive cognitive emotion regulation and job satisfaction. Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire(CERQ), Job Satisfaction Scale(JSS), and Self Expression Scale(SES) were completed by a sample consisting of 726 employed women working as regular office workers in private enterprise in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province. Correlation analysis was performed to determine the general trend of the measured variables based on the collected data, and hierarchical regression analysis was performed to examine the moderating effect. The results of this study are as follows. First, non-adoptive cognitive emotion regulation and job satisfaction were found to have negative correlation, non-adoptive cognitive emotion regulation and self expression were found to have positive correlation, and self expression and job satisfaction were found to have positive correlation. Second, employed women’s self-expression between non-adoptive cognitive emotion regulation and job satisfaction showed a moderating effect. These findings showed that the level of job satisfaction may vary depending on the level of self-expression, by considering together employed women’s non-adaptive cognitive emotion regulation and self-expression. Moreover, it is significant that needs for interventions to increase self-expression through methods such as counseling and education for employed women are proposed.

취업여성, 부적응적 인지적 정서조절, 자기표현, 직무만족, employed women, non-adoptive cognitive emotion regulation, self-expression. job satisfaction



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology