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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Validation of Korean version of the Index


The purpose of the present study was to examine the reliability and validity of Korean version of the Index of Spouse Abuse(Hudson & McIntosh, 1981). The ISA was originally developed to ask female partner about her male spouse however, in this study neutral expressions were adapted to apply to all male and female partners. Participants were 469 individuals(173 males and 296 females) out of legally married couple, former spouse and living in the state which was following the criteria of spouse abuse proposed by Torres, etc. (2010). Through the exploratory factor analysis, not only the three factor structure of psychological abuse, physical abuse and control behavior was extracted but the fit of this model was also confirmed through confirmatory factor analysis. The t-test or ANOVA and ANCOVA(covariate: age) were performed to examine the difference between CTS and BDI scores according to the level of psychological, physical abuse, and control behavior of K-ISA. The results showed high internal consistency. In conclusion, K-ISA was found to be a reliable and valid scale of measuring three abusive factors in Korean population. Limitations of this study discussed in relation to future studies.

배우자 학대, 심리적 학대, 신체적 학대, 통제행동, 타당화, spouse abuse, psychological abuse, physical abuse, controlling behavio, validity.



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology