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메뉴The purpose of this study was to understand the parenting experience of female ex-offenders during and after incarceration. Giorgi's phenomenological method was employed to deduct 12 components and 32 subcomponents from statements of deep interviews of 9 participants. Participants are female ex-offenders who had housing support or job training of Korea Rehabilitation Agency under Ministry of Justice. The components are: "Concern for children's aftereffect due to maternal incarceration", "Reproaching oneself and feeling shame for own incarceration", "people who fulfill the needs of my vacancy", "concern for opening up to one's children of their maternal incarceration", "children as reasons for living", "the aftermath of maternal incarceration on children", "occupying mother's position after releasing from prison", "a fresh start after incarceration", "confronting the family conflict after incarceration", "after the storm comes the calm", "national Ex-offender support services to minimize mother's absence", and "hopes of getting government support with regard to parenting". The discussion and implication were provided based on the results of this study.
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