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메뉴The aim of this study revolves on a critical examination of Wilber’s integral feminism and his gender perspective from a feminist perspective in order to improve integral feminism and discover basic principles of transpersonal feminist counseling. A variety of Wilber’s writings and studies on gender conducted by the Integral Community were reviewed. The literature review centers on Wilber’s perspective on feminism, the consciousness of sex and gender, typology of ego development. Integral feminism expands women’s experiences and gender identities to transpersonal development beyond pre-personal and personal aspects. The author developed an integral map on gender and feminism using an all quadrant all level (AQAL) model of integral feminism. The integral theory explains gender in the context of the consciousness development of humankind and individuals. From this perspective, gender and gender identities, which have been constructed in modern society is expected to be transcended as society evolves into a post-modernism phase. Individuals are expected to have transpersonal consciousness of gender accompanied by de-identifying with all traits along with psychological and spiritual development. Gender typology requires sensitive insights into a process and influences of forming differences as it has political implications and influence on individual development, which is different from other typologies. In order for integral feminism to offer a more detailed map and clinical implications, it needs to incorporate a perspective from feminist counseling that addresses women’s issues based on cultural, social, and political contexts, focusing on gender and power. Feminist epistemology and feminist counseling techniques, such as a gender analysis and a power analysis, are beneficial to understand the close relationships among four quadrants. The spectrum theory that includes transpersonal aspects of human consciousness development and the integral theory that emphasizes the transformation of social systems along with individual psychology for consciousness development would benefit to found transpersonal feminist counseling.
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