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메뉴This study is intended to make a detailed inquiry into the process itself in which middle-aged female heads of families realized their own identities and they changed. Hence, through the narrative methodology of Clandinin and Connelly(2000), this study made an inquiry into the method of defining themselves within the relationship and within the role in the life of middle-aged female heads of families and the subjective and detailed realm of experience where femininity and motherhood were mixed into identity. Besides, through photo therapy, useful tool of identity inquiry, an inquiry was intended to be made an inquiry into the process identity change of middle-aged heads of families through visual image. The results of analysis in this study are as follows. In the 3-dimensional space, narrative inquiry space, the participants' common experiences were classified as follows. First, in the situation(place) dimension, they were 'absence of care', 'reappearance of control', 'severance and isolation', and 'responsibility for rearing'. Second, in continuity(temporality) dimension, it was shown that they were 'escape', ‘depression', maternal regression', and 'maturity'. Third, in the interaction dimension, it was deduced that they were 'adaptation', 'refusal', 'leading' and 'interdependence.' It was shown that these analysis results were in gear with the process of change in participants' identities from the viewpoint of role connected to 'helpless daughter', 'good-natured wife', 'tough mother', and 'centrality of family.' Besides, it was shown that photo therapy experience resulted in reframing the viewpoint by finding unfinished problem, checking a change, and accelerating self-acceptance in the process of change in participants' identities. The significance and limitations of these study results were also presented.
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