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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Adult Attachment and Psychological Distress in Middle-aged Women: The Mediating Roles of Decentering and Acceptance


The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating effects of decentering and acceptance on relations between adult attachment and psychological distress. For that purpose, a survey was taken with 389 middle-aged women and it measured adult attachment, psychological distress, decentering and acceptance. The collected data was analyzed with the structural equation model. As a result, the measuring model turned out to fit the data. The research model that set a path among all the variables showed better fitness than the comparative model. The major research findings were as follows. First, in regards to the effects of adult attachment on psychological distress attachment anxiety had no direct effects on psychological distress, however, attachment avoidance had direct effects on it. Second, decentering had no significant mediating effects on relations between adult attachment and psychological distress. Third, acceptance had significant complete mediating effects on relations between attachment anxiety and psychological distress, but acceptance had no significant mediating effects on relations between attachment avoidance and psychological distress. Fourth, decentering had significant mediating effects on relations between adult attachment and acceptance. Specifically, it had partial mediating effects on relations between attachment anxiety and acceptance, as well as complete mediating effects on relations between attachment avoidance and acceptance. Fifth, acceptance had significant complete mediating effects on relations between decentering and psychological distress. Finally, decentering and acceptance had significant dual mediating effects on relations between adult attachment and psychological distress. This suggests a causal relevance of decentering and acceptance. Based on those findings, a plan for reducing distress in middle-aged women and future directions for research were discussed.

중년 여성, 성인애착, 심리적 디스트레스, 탈중심화, 수용, Middle-aged Women, Adult Attachment, Psychological Distress, Decentering, Acceptance



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology