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메뉴The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of women who work in male-dominated occupations. The participants consisted of four women from the following male-dominated careers: an engineering researcher, a steel engineer, a police officer, and a fire fighter. A narrative inquiry was used to deeply understand and analyze the participants’ experiences. Based on analyses, two main narratives were derived; the negative experiences of women in male-dominated occupations and the needs for living as women in male-dominated occupations. Regarding adaptation to the workplace, the narratives reveal experiences of gender discrimination, a male-centered organizational culture, and subsequent psychological difficulties. The participants expressed frustration over the lack of adequate alternative measures or policies to resolve these problems that ultimately lead to a passive response. In spite of their frustrations as women working in male-dominated careers, the participants emphasized the need to engage in workplace competition and make an special effort to improve their personal position at work. The participants also provide recommendations and suggestions to women who wish to choose the male-dominated careers. They emphasize the need to work hard in order to succeed, coupled with aggressiveness, an enterprising spirit, and a willingness to take risks. These findings reveal a need to further strengthen policies to support women entering into male-dominated careers and the further effort required to achieve gender equality in the workplace. Implications of the findings, suggestions for female career counseling, limitations, and directions for future research were discussed.
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