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메뉴The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a vicarious trauma scale(VTS). This study examined the psychometric properties and preliminary items of the VTS based on the analysis of interview data from trauma counselors and reviewing of existing literature. The experts-contents-validity was confirmed and the final preliminary scale was developed. The confirmatory factor analysis showed a reasonable fit index for this six factor structure of the vicarious trauma scale. The results from a convergent and discriminant validity indicated that there is a correlation between the vicarious trauma scale and Secondary Traumatic Stress Scale, Trauma and Attachment Belief Scale, Counselor Burnout Inventory, and Inventory of Counter-transference Behavior. A predictive validity analysis indicated that the scale is negatively correlated with subjective wellness and life satisfaction. In addition, relationships between this scale and work experience variable was analyzed. The result indicated that expert group in comparison with novice group experiences significantly higher level of ‘positive effect’. Finally implications and limitations of this study as well as suggestions for further research were discussed.
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