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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The effect of psychological state of north korean female refuses focused on escape length of North Korea to South Korea and repatriation experience to the North Korea : analysis of BPSI-NKR


This study was aimed to determine whether the period of refugee experience both in the course of escaping from North Korea and during transit through third countries has a direct effects on psychological symptom of North Korean refugee women. The sample comprised female refugees from North Korea in the Settlement Support Center, commonly known as Hanawon and were stratified by the length of time in exile. We assessed the women's mental health status at two time points in their beginning of Hanawon program and right after completion of the program using the Brief Psychological State Inventory for North Korean Refugees (BPSI-NKR), which is well developed and validated. Significant positive correlations were found between that the length of time in transit through third countries and psychological symptom such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, alcohol problem and family issue. The comparison between short-term group that arrived in South Korea within one year (n=153) and long-term group that arrived in the South with more than 7 years in exile (n=201) showed significant differences in their degree of psychological improvement and stability on symptoms such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, somatization, anger, psychosis and alcohol problem. Improvement of psychological symptoms of the long-term group is higher than that of the short-term group. The forcible repatriation experience back to North Korea affects significantly on somatization. However, the identity of the variables between forcible repatriation experience and the duration of refugee situation was not relevant, nor was any interaction. This research has its significance in the point that the period of stay in transit countries affects psychological symptoms of North Korean refugee women. However, this study had some limitations which were not considered other risk factors such as occupation, residence area, personal experience in third countries within our findings.

North Korean female refugees, period of staying, trauma, repatriation to the North Korea, psychological symptoms, BPSI-NKR, 탈북여성. 체류기간, 외상, 북송, 심리적 증상, BPSI-NKR



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology