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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The Relation between Parenting Stress and Parenting Behavior among mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder : The Mediating Effects of Psychological Well-being and Social Support


The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating effects of psychological well-being and social support between parenting stress and parenting behavior among mothers of children with autistic spectrum disorder. Participates were 127 mothers of children with autistic spectrum disorder who have children receiving treatment from special schools, hospitals, and/or treatment institutes in Seoul and Gyeong-gi do. For the purpose of study, authors conducted frequency analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The findings were summarized as follows: First, parenting stress was significantly negatively correlated with psychological well-being. social support and affectionate parenting behavior. However parenting stress was significantly positively correlated with rejective and permissive parenting behavior. Both social support and psychological well-being were significantly positively correlated with affectionate parenting behavior, yet significantly negatively correlated with rejective and permissive parenting behavior. Second, psychological well-being partly mediated parenting stress and affectionate parenting behavior. Third, social support partly mediated parenting stress and affectionate parenting behavior. The study further discusses its significance and limitations based on these findings.

Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Parenting Stress, Parenting Behavior, Psychological Well-being, Social Support, 자폐 스펙트럼 장애, 양육 스트레스, 양육 행동, 심리적 안녕감, 사회적 지지



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology