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메뉴The purpose of this study is to verify the effectiveness of a CBT developed for reducing secondary traumatic stress and psychological adaptation of sexual trauma counselors. Tested by STSS-K and IES-R-K, 23 sexual trauma counselors were selected and randomly assigned 8 people to experimental group (CBT), 7 people to comparison group (Art Therapy), 8 people to control group. The main findings are the following: First, the posttest results, the experimental group showed a significant difference from the comparison and control groups in both factors related to trauma and psychological adaptation. Second, in the follow-up test three months after the end of the inter-group program, the experimental group showed a significant difference from the comparison group in both trauma-related factors and psychological adjustment-related factors. Third, after program execution, the experimental group's cognitive errors which are categorized in the belief related to secondary traumatic experiences were able to be transformed into a more adaptive cognition.
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