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메뉴The aims of the present study were to explore the possible selves(hoped for selves, feared selves) of women who are compatible with childcare and work-family reconciliation. For this purpose, We conducted in-depth interviews of 13 women who has the youngest child under the age of two, worked for more than 40 hours a week and kept working more than 3 years. We analyzed them in a CQR( Consensual Qualitative Research) and content analysis. 3 domains, 7 categories and 26 subcategories were deducted, The 3 domains and 7 categories were identified as ' Hoped for self ' (try for work-family reconciliation, try for limitation acceptance), ' feared self '(failure of work-family reconciliation, failure of limitation acceptance), ‘modifying factor of possible self(nurturing factor, reconciliation support factor, individual internal factor). To look at possible self under various conditions, the most hoped for/feared self, highly feasible/improbable self, hoped for/feared self at different times were identified and explained for content analysis. Based on these findings, implications and suggestions for future research were discussed.
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